1st Grade Math


Unit 3

How do people know how tall they are?

Well, they measure themselves! Measuring is the number of length units it takes to reach a length of an object without any gaps. Have you heard of inches, feet, or yards? These are all types of length units!

Key Vocabulary for Comparing Objects

Here are some words you should know when comparing objects to one another:

  • Longer than

  • Shorter than

  • First

  • Second

  • Third

  • Overlap

  • Gap

Example 1:

Line 1: |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

Line 2: |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

Which line is longer?

Click below for the answer!

If you said Line 2, you'd be correct! This is because when lined up, line 2 goes past line 1. Which line is shorter? Not a trick question! Line 1 is shorter than Line 2 because of the same reason.

Example 2:

Unit: |--------------------------|

Line 1: |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

Let's try something else now. How many units do you think it would take to be as long as line 1? If you said about 4, you'd be right! You just tried a form of estimating, a useful tool when measuring objects!

Play the Game Below!

Comparing objects takes practice! Click the button below to try it out and play comparison games!

What Time Is It?

It's time to learn how to tell time!

Words to Remember When Talking About Time:

  • __ o'clock : this represents whichever hour it is at the time.

  • half past __(whichever hour it is)___ : This means that it are 30 minutes into whichever hour it is (ex. 2:30 is "half past 2")

  • quarter 'til ___(whichever hour comes next)___: There are 15 minutes until a new hour (ex. 2:45 is "a quarter 'til 3")

On a regular clock, like the image below, there are usually 2 hands (hands meaning the long sticks in the clock) that move in a circle.

The longer hand (in this case, it is the one pointed at the 2) represents the minute hand and tells what minute in the hour it is at the time. You can tell what minute it is by the small lines that go around the clock (not the big numbers). Each tiny line represents a minute!

When we find the minute, we always start at the top of the clock (where the 12 is) to represent 0 minutes and we start counting to the right.

The shorter hand (in this case, the one pointed at the 10) represents the hour hand. This hand shows what hour of the day it is. You can tell which hour it is by which big number the hand is pointed towards!

What time is shown on the clock? Click the arrow for the answer!

The clock shows that it is 10:10. This is because the minute hand (longer hand) is pointed 10 lines to the right of the top of the clock and the hour hand (shorter hand) is pointed at the number 10.

There are 60 little lines on the clock so there are 60 minutes in an hour!