4th Grade Language Arts

Realistic Fiction

Reading Unit 2

Unit 2: Realistic Fiction

Practice Post

Try these practice questions before taking your Chapter Challenge Quiz!

Question #1:

True or False: Stories can have multiple themes.

True; many times, short stories have one theme whereas novels have multiple themes, however there are short stories that have multiple themes as well.

Question #2:

What are the five story elements?

Plot, character, conflict, theme, setting

Question #3:

True or False: Second person is the main character telling the story.

False; In first person, the main character tells the story, whereas in second person, the story is told as though it is happening to you.

Observation Station

Tell me what you notice about these reading passages (use as much vocabulary you learned in this unit as possible!)

Chapter Challenge Quiz

Make sure you've reviewed all the resources provided to you in this lesson to ensure a high grade on this chapter challenge!

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Games Galore

Try this game to reinforce all the things you've learned!