1st Grade Language Arts

Language and Grammar

Lesson 2

Practice Post

Q1: What is the difference between a proper noun and a common noun?

A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, or thing, while a common noun are just regular objects! Proper nouns are always capitalized (uses an upper case letter as the first letter)!

Q3: What are the 3 different verb tenses?

HINT: When does something happen?

Past, Present, and Future

Q2: What is the difference between plural nouns and singular nouns?

Plural means that there are many (more than 1) of those things, while singular means that there is just one of those things). They are usually written differently depending on the word. (ex. plural: cows, singular: cow)

Q4: What are the 3 different types of sentences and what punctuation (period, question mark, or exclamation mark) do they have at the end?

Declarative (period .), Interrogative (question mark ?), Exclamatory (exclamation mark !)

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