Kindergarten Language Arts

Parts of Speech

Lesson 3

Welcome to Lesson 3: Parts of Speech!

Let's practice!

Answer these practice questions before you take your Chapter Challenge Quiz!

What is a verb?

Verbs are words that show actions, motions, doing, or states of being.

What do pronouns do?

Pronouns replace nouns. They are used for common nouns or nouns that have already been said.

What are the two types of nouns?

The two main types of nouns are common nouns and proper nouns!

What are parts of speech?

Parts of speech are the building blocks of sentences! They are the different parts of words we use when we speak and write.

What is an adjective?

An adjective is a word that describes an animal, person, thing, or thought. Adjectives can describe what something looks like and what it feels like to touch, taste, or smell.

Observation Station

Tell us what you observe about these parts of speech!

Picture #1

Picture #2

Picture #3

Picture #4

Chapter Challenge

How much have you learned? Take this short quiz and enter your score into ClassDojo!

Feelings Forward

How did you feel about this lesson?


Let's play these fun games on the Parts of Speech!