Kindergarten Math

Addition and Subtraction

Unit 5

Lesson 1: Addition and Subtraction

Addition Sign!

Subtraction Sign!

Equal Sign!


To add 3 and 2, combine the 3 circles and 2 circles and count how many there are!

What is 3 + 1?

Subtraction is TAKING THINGS AWAY!

To subtract 2 from 5, take away 2 circles from the 5 circles then count how many there are!

Take away 2 of the 5 original balls! 3 are left!

5 - 2 = 3

Lesson 2: Math and Stories

Nadya had 6 bicycles. Mohammad's brother's name is Amira. It was Amira's birthday so Nadya decided to give him 2 of the bicycles. How many bikes does Nadya have now?

6 - 2 = 4 Bikes

Mohammad had 10 pieces of candy. He ate 3 of them. How many pieces of candy does Mohammad have now?

10 - 3 = 7


Amira had 4 bikes. It was Amira's birthday, so her sister, Nadya, gave her 2 bicycles as a gift. How many bicycles does Amira have now?

4 + 2 = 6 Bikes

Bruce baked 9 cookies. His brother ate 2 of them and he ate 7 of them. How many cookies is Bruce left with?

9 - 2 - 7 = 0 Zero Cookies

Lesson 3: Let's Make 10!

Sums of 10 make a rainbow!

Look at this "Make 10" Rainbow! If the numbers are the same color, they add up to 10!

How many blocks does it take for each to reach 10? Look at the different block colors to see!