1st Grade Learn & Play

Social Studies

Welcome to 1st Grade Social Studies!

Let's learn about American people, georgraphy, culture, and money!

Unit 1: Historical Figures

Learn about and Identify the contributions made by figures like...

  • Benjamin Franklin

  • Thomas Jefferson

  • Meriwether Lewis and William Clark with Sacagawea,

  • Theodore Roosevelt,

  • George Washington Carver

  • Ruby Bridges.

Unit 2: Geographic Understandings

Describe how each historic figure was influenced by his or her time and place!

Learn about and identify and locate your city, county, state, nation (country), and continent on a simple map or a globe!

Find major natural landmarks of the earth’s surface!

Unit 3: Civic Understandings

What is patriotism and pride for one's country?

Let's learn about why we celebrate being American while striving to be a better country!

We will also listen to TWO SONGS and learn about what they mean for our patriotism!

  • The songs are called ... "America the Beautiful" and "My Country 'Tis of Thee"

Unit 4: Economic Understandings

Identify goods that people make and services that people provide for each other.

Explain that scarcity is when unlimited wants are greater than limited resources. Describe how people are both producers and consumers.

Explain that people earn income by working and that they must make choices about how much to save and spend.

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1st Grade Social Studies

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